* Create a [disjoint set]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure}.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} size - The number of elements in the set
* @param {SubsetPropsReducer} [subsetPropsReducer] - Defines how subset properties are combined when two subsets
* are merged as the result of a union.
* @param {(Object|SubsetPropsInitializer)} [defaultProps={}] - Initial subset properties or a callback that returns
* initial subset properties.
function DisjointSet(size, subsetPropsReducer, defaultProps) {
this._parent = new Array(size);
this._rank = new Array(size);
this._numSubsets = size;
this._subsetProps = new Array(size);
this._subsetPropsReducer = subsetPropsReducer;
let initializer;
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(defaultProps) == '[object Function]') {
initializer = defaultProps;
} else {
initializer = () => defaultProps;
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
this._parent[i] = i;
this._rank[i] = 0;
this._subsetProps[i] = Object.assign({}, initializer(i));
* Defines how subset properties are combined when two subsets are merged as the result of a union.
* @callback SubsetPropsReducer
* @param {Object} s1 - Properties of a subset.
* @param {Object} s2 - Properties of a subset.
* @param {Object} edgeProps - Properties of the edge that will join sets s1 and s2.
* @returns {Object} Properties of the merged subset.
* Defines initial properties for a subset. Initially, a set with n elements will contain n subsets, each
* containing a single element.
* @callback SubsetPropsInitializer
* @param {Number} i - The element the initial subset will contain.
* @returns {Object} Properties of the initial subset containing element i.
* Find the root of the subset containing element x.
* @param {Number} x - An element in the set.
* @returns {Number} The root of the subset containing element x.
DisjointSet.prototype.find = function(x) {
if (this._parent[x] !== x) {
this._parent[x] = this.find(this._parent[x]);
return this._parent[x];
* Determine if two elements are connected.
* @param {Number} x - An element in the set.
* @param {Number} y - An element in the set.
* @returns {Boolean} True if elements x and y are connected (in the same subset).
DisjointSet.prototype.isConnected = function(x, y) {
return this.find(x) === this.find(y);
* Connect two elements and merge their subsets.
* @param {Number} x - An element in the set.
* @param {Number} y - An element in the set.
* @param {Object} [edge] - Arbitrary properties of the edge connecting elements x and y. These are passed to the set's
* {@link SubsetPropsReducer} to determine properties of the merged subset.
* @returns {Number} The root of the merged subset.
DisjointSet.prototype.union = function(x, y, edge) {
const xRoot = this.find(x);
const yRoot = this.find(y);
if (xRoot === yRoot) {
return xRoot;
if (this._rank[xRoot] < this._rank[yRoot]) {
this._parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
this._numSubsets -= 1;
if (this._subsetPropsReducer) {
this._subsetProps[yRoot] = this._subsetPropsReducer(this._subsetProps[yRoot], this._subsetProps[xRoot], edge);
this._subsetProps[xRoot] = null;
return yRoot;
} else {
this._parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
this._numSubsets -= 1;
if (this._subsetPropsReducer) {
this._subsetProps[xRoot] = this._subsetPropsReducer(this._subsetProps[xRoot], this._subsetProps[yRoot], edge);
this._subsetProps[yRoot] = null;
if (this._rank[xRoot] === this._rank[yRoot]) {
this._rank[xRoot] += 1;
return xRoot;
* Get all subsets in the set.
* @returns {Number[][]} An array of subsets. Each subset is an array of elements contained in that subset.
DisjointSet.prototype.subsets = function() {
const subsets = {}
for (let i = 0; i < this._parent.length; i++) {
const root = this.find(i);
if (!subsets.hasOwnProperty(root)) {
subsets[root] = [];
return Object.keys(subsets)
.map(r => subsets[r])
.map(s => s.sort())
.sort((s1, s2) => s1[0] - s2[0]);
* Get the subset containing an element.
* @param {Number} x - An element in the set.
* @returns {Number[]} Array of elements in the subset containing element x.
DisjointSet.prototype.subset = function(x) {
const subsetRoot = this.find(x);
const subset = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this._parent.length; i++) {
if (this.find(i) === subsetRoot) {
return subset;
* Get the number of subsets in the set.
* @returns {Number} Number of subsets in the set.
DisjointSet.prototype.numSubsets = function() {
return this._numSubsets;
* Get the properties of the subset containing a specific element.
* @param {Number} x - An element in the set.
* @returns {Object} - The properties of the subset containing element x.
DisjointSet.prototype.subsetProps = function(x) {
return this._subsetProps[this.find(x)];
export default DisjointSet;